Bessel functions of complex argument

Riccardo Messina riccardo.messina at
Thu Mar 23 10:43:56 CET 2023

Hi everyone, 

I am really new to both MPFR and GMP. My current problem is the evaluation of Bessel functions J and H(1) for complex argument with multiple precision. I have seen the implementation of J in MPFR for real argument but, if I am correct, this function has not been developed in GMP for complex arguments. Could you please confirm to me that this is the case? Do you have any suggestions on how to proceed? I guess that "generalizing" the function defined in MPFR to complex arguments is not that straighforward... 

Thank you in advance for your help. 


Riccardo Messina 
CNRS Researcher 
Nanophotonics group - Thermoplasmonics team 
Laboratoire Charles Fabry 
Institut d'Optique Graduate School 
2 avenue Augustin Fresnel 
91127 Palaiseau 
Phone: + 
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