hi i have two Q's one about legal stuff and one about the library

Torbjörn Granlund tg at gmplib.org
Mon Aug 17 21:45:45 UTC 2020

Jesse Taube <mr.bossman075 at gmail.com> writes:

  So on the website <https://gmplib.org/pi-with-gmp> it says under
  computing pi it says that a 64 bit computer can compute 41B digits of pi.
  The website also says that in a future release this will grow to 10^15
  digits is that still in the upcoming releases, has it happened or is that a
  long term goal.

Long term goal.

  second question i know nothing about licenses and don't really understand
  i made a github repo with a compiled version of 6.2.0 and instructions on
  how to compile it for a xeon phi coprocessor. I didn't change any of the
  code. I just compiled it and added a demo program. i stated that all credit
  goes to the devs at gmplib.org but i think i need to add the gnu license.
  If anyone could tell me if what I'm doing is okay or if there is anything I
  have to do, to make it okay, that would be great. the github repo in

If you redist sources you need to make sure the license headers are
still there in the sources (or other sources based on our sources).

If you distribute binaries, you must make sure to inform whoever gets
the binaries that they have the right to get the sources.

(I don't have time to check your repo for adherence.  Sorry.)

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