`configure' Problem: Building within the GCC Tree

Marc Glisse marc.glisse at inria.fr
Mon Nov 24 21:26:47 UTC 2014

On Mon, 24 Nov 2014, Bernd Edlinger wrote:

> On the other hand we want to keep backward compatibile with any
> gmp version from gmp-4.3.2 to gmp-6.0.0a.
> Our request to you guys would be (in case you are eventually releasing
> a new gmp version):
> a) Please do not over-react if flex is not working, after all this is a
> released tar-ball, the flex / bison files are included as precompiled .c files,
> so even the demo does compile as it is, if anybody cares.
> It would be enough to remove the "exit" from the configure script IMHO.
> Complaining about that badness would be OK of course.

If there is an "exit", it likely comes from one of the autotools. A diff 
of what would need changing in configure.ac or aclocal.m4 would help.

> b) Updating to a newer AutoMake version, would be nice too.

Did you try a daily snapshot?
I thought we had updated not that long ago.

> That is of course only my personal opinion, and there is no pressure
> on you at all.

Marc Glisse

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