Query: GMP completeness testing

Chris Saunders evas at mountaincable.net
Mon Jun 28 20:10:00 CEST 2010

 >  More generally, I'm curious how the other language efforts that have
 >  provided GMP interfaces (as itemized in your manual) have dealt with
  > completeness/correctness testing in case there are lessons learned
 >  there that would be helpful to us.

I have created an Eiffel language interface to GMP.  I had a quick look in 
the manual but was unable to find anything that relates to other language 
interfaces.  My Eiffel interface is available at 
http://www.eiffelroom.org/node/442.  My Eiffel interfaces to MPFR and MPC 
are made available on there respective web sites.

I'm not sure you would be interested (Eiffel is not very popular) but if so 
I would be happy to have it included in your documentation.  The interface 
is open source.

Chris Saunders 

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