vcproj for 4.3

Chris Saunders evas at
Sat Oct 10 10:44:15 CEST 2009

I am perhaps carrying this on too long but let me say one last thing.  You 
claim that your words were chosen with care.  I believe they were not. 
There are people that find that language very offensive (I don't happen to 
be one).  I believe these people deserve your consideration, even if the one 
who insulted you more or less deserved such a response.  I actually feel 
like apologizing for my somewhat scolding message.  I use such language 
myself but chose my places carefully.  Any way, enough about this.

Chris Saunders

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joerg Arndt" <arndt at>
To: "Chris Saunders" <evas at>
Cc: <gmp-discuss at>
Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2009 12:18 AM
Subject: Re: vcproj for 4.3

> The initial message left me guessing what a "vcproj"
> file was (I know now).  TG apparently had the same
> problem and asked in response.
> Answering his email promptly would have been the
> a 15sec effort.  This did not happen.
> Enter "degski", a person who obviously has zero
> regard for the GMP project, TG, and the subscribers
> of this list (wonder why he is subscribed to the list).
> This person most certainly could have answered the
> open question.  Instead he sends a hate mail.
> As the contents of his message were sweeping
> insults they happened to insult me.  Bad luck.
> When an IQ challenged underachieving anonymous coward
> insults me I usually ignore it.  Here I just didn't.
> The words of my reply were chosen with care.
> cheers,  jj
> * Chris Saunders <evas at> [Oct 10. 2009 14:02]:
>> I am a Windows user and have never had the impression that Mr. Granlund 
>> has
>> anything against me because of it.  So I thought the message was off-base
>> as well.  However I did not find that message as rude as yours.  I don't
>> have an opinion on your opinion but do have an expectation that the
>> discussions on this group would maintain a higher level.  They generrally
>> do.
>> Regards
>> Chris Saunders
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Joerg Arndt" <arndt at>
>> To: <gmp-discuss at>
>> Sent: Friday, October 09, 2009 8:39 PM
>> Subject: Re: vcproj for 4.3
>>> * Degski <degski at> [Oct 10. 2009 09:26]:
>>>> >
>>>> > Is there a vcproj file for gmp 4.3 so that gmp can be built in vc 
>>>> > 2008?
>>>> The short answer is, no!
>>>> There is a clue to why on the gmp home page:
>>>> > MPIR <>. This GMP fork might be an alternative to 
>>>> >  >
>>>> the
>>>> > real GMP for some Windoze
>>>> > users, but they'll have to deal with attention-seeking FUD against 
>>>> > GMP.
>>>> >
>>>> The reality of it is that to Torbjorn Granlund linux/unix is like a
>>>> religion
>>>> and he hates
>>>> [...]
>>> Hello Mr anynomous coward libeling idiot scumbag.
>>> Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
>>> All the flaming best,   jj
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