GMP 4.2.2 Build for Visual Studio 2005

Brian Gladman brg at
Wed Sep 19 17:31:13 CEST 2007

I have updated my Visual Studio 2005 GMP build projects for GMP 4.2.2.
The zip archive is available here:

The build projects support 32 and 64 bit native Windows builds for both
static and dynamic link libraries and the associated tests.  There is
assembler support for both 32 and 64 bit x86 systems.

The projects can be built with the Intel compiler (after conversion of
the build projects) and a new feature of the latest version of the Intel
compiler allows GCC inline assembler code to be used.

I hope to make new Windows binaries available shortly (with help from
Michael Abshoff and Jim White).

    Brian Gladman

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