mpz_invert function

Sisyphus sisyphus1 at
Mon Nov 13 11:17:33 CET 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Luis Alexandre" <lm.alexandre at>
To: <gmp-discuss at>
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 1:31 AM
Subject: mpz_invert function

> Hello everybody, I'm in despaired stiuation: I'm programming a DSA
> in C with GMP and I need to calculate the inverse of an mpz_t without
> modulo. I've tried the mpz_invert function, but this function as three
> parameters and the third one is the mod (modulo).
> Is there a way of using this function with an infinite modulo, or there is
> any other way.

Sorry ... maybe it's just me, but I struggle to comprehend what the inverse
of a number, modulo infinity, would be ... and why the DSA algorithm would
need it.


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