how to start using GMP

Blake Huff stangmechanic at
Tue Aug 1 11:14:10 CEST 2006

First, everyone's favorite response:  This is a GNU C compiler  
question, or a Unix question, but not really a gmp problem, so you  
should brush up on both of those before working with GMP.

Second:  The answer to your question.  This issue arises because your  
compiler doesn't know where to look for the gmp library.  You can add  
the -L./ flag to tell your compiler to look in the current directory,  
or -L../gmp-4.2.1, etc.   You might could get away with adding the  
full path name to your #include directive, i.,e #include "/User/Home/ 
gmp4-.2.1/gmp", that works on my system. Anyways, these are just a  
few of your options for letting the compiler find the library.


On Aug 1, 2006, at 2:00 AM, Dongvu Tonien wrote:

> Hi,
> I know the question is silly- but I have scanned through Manual, but I
> still don't know how to use GMP. Please help me.
> I downloaded the GMP and had it on my Unix account
> $HOME/gmp-4.2.1
> I went inside the directory gmp-4.2.1 and followed the install  
> instructions:
> ./configure, make, make check, which run ok
> Then I created a new directory $HOME/test and wrote a simple  
> program:
> #include "gmp.h"
> int main (void){
>   mpz_t integ;
>   mpz_init_set_str (integ, "3141592653589793238462643383279502884",  
> 10);
>   mpz_clear(integ);
>   return 0;
> }
> compile it:
> g++ -lgmpxx -lgmp
> error: gmp.h: No such file or directory
> So I changed  #include "gmp.h" to #include "../gmp-4.2.1/gmp.h"
> compile it, but still error
> g++ -lgmpxx -lgmp
> ld: fatal: library -lgmpxx: not found
> ld: fatal: library -lgmp: not found
> ld: fatal: File processing errors. No output written to a.out
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> Thank you for your time.
> --Dongvu
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Blake Huff
stangmechanic at

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