GMPbench 0.1 results for Apple G5/OS X 10.4/gcc 4

Mark Rodenkirch mgrogue at
Sat May 7 20:00:25 CEST 2005

I ran the benchmark as well (DP 2.5 GHz G5), but have even better  
results.  Is the difference in gcc part of the reason?  The original  
benchmark was with gcc 3.4, this is with gcc 4.0.

Notice that "-m64" can be used instead of "-arch ppc64 -fasm-blocks - 
no-cpp-precomp -mcpu=G5"

***** GMPbench version 0.1 *****
Using default CFLAGS = "-O3 -m64 -fomit-frame-pointer"
Using default CC = "gcc"
Using default LIBS = "-lgmp"
Using compilation command: gcc -O3 -m64 -fomit-frame-pointer foo.c -o  
foo -lgmp
You may want to override CC, CFLAGS, and LIBS
Using gmp version: 4.1.4
Compiling benchmarks
Running benchmarks
   Category base
     Program multiply
       multiply 128 128
       GMPbench.base.multiply.128,128 result: 17441253
       multiply 512 512
       GMPbench.base.multiply.512,512 result: 3007397
       multiply 8192 8192
       GMPbench.base.multiply.8192,8192 result: 30049
       multiply 131072 131072
       GMPbench.base.multiply.131072,131072 result: 448
       multiply 2097152 2097152
       GMPbench.base.multiply.2097152,2097152 result: 12.5
     GMPbench.base.multiply result: 24500
     Program divide
       divide 8192 32
       GMPbench.base.divide.8192,32 result: 463569
       divide 8192 64
       GMPbench.base.divide.8192,64 result: 432581
       divide 8192 128
       GMPbench.base.divide.8192,128 result: 297891
       divide 8192 4096
       GMPbench.base.divide.8192,4096 result: 48163
       divide 8192 8064
       GMPbench.base.divide.8192,8064 result: 737991
       divide 131072 8192
       GMPbench.base.divide.131072,8192 result: 1079
       divide 131072 65536
       GMPbench.base.divide.131072,65536 result: 576
       divide 8388608 4194304
       GMPbench.base.divide.8388608,4194304 result: 1.30
     GMPbench.base.divide result: 14266
   GMPbench.base result: 18695
   Category app
     Program rsa
       rsa 512 result: 6337
       rsa 1024 result: 1215
       rsa 2048 result: 202 result: 1158.6 result: 1158.6
GMPbench result: 4654.1

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