exp() in gmp...

Jeffrey Racine jracine@maxwell.syr.edu
10 Feb 2003 13:14:23 -0500


I have used GMP 4.0 in the past, but have been waiting for exp() to
arrive before committing to this excellent lib.

Basically, I use kernel methods that make heavy use of this function. I
have been waiting for a GMP function replacement for exp() in C, but as
of yet have not seen one.

If I have missed this, or if there is an obvious workaround that users
employ, I would be most grateful for this information.

Thanks, and keep up the great work!

-- Jeff

Professor J. S. Racine         Phone:  (315) 443-1630
Department of Economics        FAX:    (315) 443-1081
Syracuse University            e-mail: jracine@maxwell.syr.edu
Syracuse, NY, USA 13244-1020

`The generation of random numbers is too important to be left to