intalling GMP
Tue, 17 Dec 2002 11:27:16 -0600
My name is Jeremy Lezniak and I have a question about installing GMP. I'm
running on Mac OS 8.6 and was wondering if there is a way I can use GMP on my
system (my c++ compiler is Metroworks codewarrior). I've taken a semester's
worth of c++ programing, and after going through all the literature of
installation, I understood next to none of it (I'm a mathematics student, not
a computer programmer). I really like the speed in which GMP is clocked at
doing many relavent calculations...but GMP does me no good as a mathematician
if I don't understand how to use it. So could you throw some advice my way?
Thank you very much for your time, sincerely,
Jeremy Lezniak