GMP symbol naming (and the history thereof)?

Vincent Lefevre vincent at
Thu Feb 28 10:57:37 CET 2013

On 2013-02-28 10:43:20 +0100, Torbjorn Granlund wrote:
> nisse at (Niels Möller) writes:
>   But I don't think using a __ prefix on symbols is appropriate, it would
>   be better to use the namespace gmp_* or maybe libgmp_*.
> I disagree.
> Any solution here is a compromise.  And there are more drawbacks with
> dropping the __ than retaining it.  Hmm, perhaps we could use the prefix
> iouyfvhbiqckbfgkuigblkiuyggggggcuyhfbg, to make things more clean?  The
> risk of an accidental collision should be quite limited, and there is
> hopefully no paragraph in some standard document somewhere against which
> we would be in breach.  :-)

I don't understand why changing the __ prefix to a gmp_ or libgmp_
namespace would be a problem.

Vincent Lefèvre <vincent at> - Web: <>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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