sparc64 for GNU/Linux

James A. Morrison ja2morri at
Thu Nov 6 19:04:55 CET 2003

On Thu, 2003-11-06 at 18:50, Kevin Ryde wrote:
> "James A. Morrison" <ja2morri at> writes:
> >
> >  Well it's possible to choose explicitly between them with -m32 and
> > -m64, but I don't know a way to tell what gcc implicitly creates.
> I've set it up, for the next release, to have both ABI=64 and ABI=32
> for gnu/linux, like on solaris.
> ABI=64 uses gcc -m64, ABI=32 uses gcc -m32.  If -m32 doesn't work
> we'll assume it's an old gcc (eg. 2.95) and continue with ABI=32.
> ABI=64 will be the default, since it gives better gmp speed.  Maybe
> the libgmp3 package will have to override that if it stays in 32 bits.

 The debian autobuilder will force the compiler to use -m32.


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