Build failure on macOS Sonoma 14.0 beta

Torbjörn Granlund tg at
Wed Sep 20 22:44:02 CEST 2023

Marc Culler <marc.culler at> writes:

  With no CFLAGS and using

  $ ./configure --with-pic --enable-fat --prefix=XXXXX

  I get almost the same error (the difference being the distance of the
  branch), namely:

It is not possible for the GMP maintainers to analyse the effects of
various options which we do not know about.  As I wrote before, please
just use --enable-fat.  The GMP manual is a great source for information
on how to build and use GMP.

I have no idea what effect --with-pic might have on a GMP build.  We do
not list that option in our manual.

It is a common problem that people pass lots of options to the compiler
by means of GMP's configure, which in turn breaks things.  My avenue to
sorting such problem out would be to cut down on those options, not
report any resulting failure as a bug.

The error you get, assuming it still happens without any unsupported
extra options, is clearly related to "fat" builds.  How Apple's
proprietary clang breaks it is curious.  My best guess is that it is a
compiler bug; clang has always been buggy and Apple's closed
source variant is worse that the open source variant.

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