gmp configure problems

解庆春 xieqingchun at
Mon Mar 10 07:37:55 UTC 2014


I want to install the GMP(version: 5.1.3) on one single node of Sunway BlueLight supercomputer using its own compiler,the platform information is as follows:

cpu :ShenWei processor SW1600, it is one processor having 4 cores

compiler: swcc

isa :the instrunction set is base on alpha

I attempt to have try as below:

(1)   ./configure --prefix=/home/xqc/gmp-5.1.3/gmp_install --build=alpha CC=swcc

configure: summary of build options:

  Version:           GNU MP 5.1.3

  Host type:         alpha-unknown-none

  ABI:               standard

  Install prefix:    /home/xqc/gmp-5.1.3/gmp_install

  Compiler:          swcc

  Static libraries:  yes

  Shared libraries:  no

       When I try to make,the result is :

                    tmp-cntlz.s:73: Error: unknown opcode `subq'

cc INTERNAL ERROR:  /usr/sw/swgcc-binary-native/bin/as returned non-zero status 1

make[2]: *** [cntlz.lo] erro1

make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/xqc/gmp-5.1.3/mpn'

make[1]: *** [all-recursive] erro 1

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/xqc/gmp-5.1.3'

make: *** [all] error2

(2)   ./configure --prefix=/home/xqc/gmp-5.1.3/gmp_install --build=alpha CC=swcc --disable-assembly

configure: error: no version of cntlz found in path: generic

      How can I set the parameter when proceed the “./configue” operation?  
      Thanks for your reply!


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