gmp-5.0.1 tests fail on AIX 5.2

Patrick Begou Patrick.Begou at
Tue Mar 16 17:09:19 CET 2010

I'm trying to install gmp-5.0.1 on an IBM AIX 5.2 system. I need to
build the library in 32 bits mode to compile gcc in 32bits mode too.

Build is successful with the folowing configuration:
CC=cc CFLAGS="-q32 -g -O2 -qarch=pwr2 -qtune=pwr2"  \
CXXFLAGS="-q32 -g -O2 -qarch=pwr2 -qtune=pwr2" CXX=xlC \
LDFLAGS=-bmaxdata:2000000000 \
./configure --prefix=/HA/sources/begou/AIX32 --enable-static \
            --disable-shared --build=power2

But make check gives errors for 5 tests (see makecheck.txt).

I'm unable to analyse these errors. Are they critical for building gcc ?
My aim is to build a basic gcc-4.4.3 with IBM xlc compiler and then build
all again with this gcc (gmp-5.0.1, mpfr-2.4.2, gcc-4.4.3, g++-4.4.3 and

Building in 64 bits mode only fails on reuse.c (cannot be compiled
with make check) but I cannot use this 64 bits librarie for building gcc
(unable to build gcc in 64 bit mode).

System is a power2 architecture
AIX is 5.2 ML 04 (64 bits mode)
cc is vacpp.cmp.core  VisualAge C++ Compiler

Thanks for your help and advices.

P. Bégou
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|  Patrick BEGOU           |       ------------               |
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|  38041 GRENOBLE CEDEX    | Fax 04 76 82 52 71               |
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