GNU MPFR 4.2.2 Release Candidate

Vincent Lefevre vincent at
Sat Mar 15 01:17:12 CET 2025

The release of GNU MPFR 4.2.2 ("fondue savoyarde", patch level 2)
is imminent.  Please help to make this release as good as possible
by downloading and testing this release candidate:

The SHA1 digests:
2cacc5d37c22e3ecd7d100cd9d56d7b73ad7b350  mpfr-4.2.2-rc1.tar.bz2
7216e427cb9ce94c63309e6f3f3722d77926cc99  mpfr-4.2.2-rc1.tar.gz
03c7229121e7a078a96830611ede317898488840  mpfr-4.2.2-rc1.tar.xz

The SHA256 digests:
c79b6c0f67f146c3f4a7419a5faad6e80ec921d27e7508ccfb3df562e0f36d3b  mpfr-4.2.2-rc1.tar.bz2
794100b363753735eca62a3ce4dca3ddebae0dbc30b5329833ef4383ee92db56  mpfr-4.2.2-rc1.tar.gz
26702f2e0c35d23e6ebe2f6d8b3862928f8eb8adff9220c575decda67be4ea4e  mpfr-4.2.2-rc1.tar.xz

The signatures:

Each tarball is signed by Vincent Lefèvre. This can be verified using
the GPG key ID 5831D11A0D4DB02A; this key can be retrieved with:

  gpg --recv-keys 5831D11A0D4DB02A

or by downloading it from <>.
The key fingerprint is:

  A534 BE3F 83E2 41D9 1828  0AEB 5831 D11A 0D4D B02A

The signatures can be verified with: gpg --verify <file.asc>
You should check that the key fingerprint matches.

Changes from version 4.2.1 to version 4.2.2:
- In order to resolve a portability issue with the _Float128 fallback to
  __float128 for binary128 support (e.g. with Clang and glibc 2.41), the
  prototypes of the corresponding conversion functions had to be changed,
  with _Float128 replaced by mpfr_float128, where mpfr_float128 is a macro
  defined as _Float128 by default. This changes neither the ABI nor the API
  (except that the end user of MPFR would need to define mpfr_float128 as
  the actual type for the binary128 format if this is not the standard
  _Float128 type).
- Other bug fixes (see <> and/or the
  ChangeLog file). In particular, the formatted output functions behaved
  incorrectly with %c on the value 0; such a use is uncommon, but this bug
  may have security implications.
- Improved MPFR manual.
- Detect the use of GMP's buggy vsnprintf replacement at configure time.
  With it, the tests of "%a" will be disabled to avoid an assertion failure
  in the MPFR testsuite. A warning will be displayed in the configure output
  in such a case.

Also, note that due to new tests related to the fix of the formatted
output functions with %c on the value 0, failures in the tfprintf and
tsprintf tests may be observed if GMP has been built with its vsnprintf
replacement (i.e. if GMP detected at configure time that the vsnprintf
function from the C library is buggy/non-conforming). This is due to a
bug in the vsnprintf replacement from GMP 6.3.0 (official tarball) and
below. This could be observed on MS Windows and OpenBSD. To get rid of
these failures, either use a fixed version (recommended!) or build the
MPFR tests with the MPFR_TESTS_SKIP_CHECK_NULL macro defined.
See the INSTALL file for other details.

Please send success and failure reports with "./config.guess" output
to <mpfr at>.

If no problems are found, GNU MPFR 4.2.2 should be released
around 2025-03-20.


Vincent Lefèvre <vincent at> - Web: <>
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: <>
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Pascaline project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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