about prime number generation

Garcia Moreno-Esteva, Enrique enrique.garciamoreno-esteva at helsinki.fi
Sat Apr 30 23:05:59 CEST 2022

Thank you very much for the tip!


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From: Paul Zimmermann <Paul.Zimmermann at inria.fr>
Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2022 11:40:56 PM
To: Garcia Moreno-Esteva, Enrique <enrique.garciamoreno-esteva at helsinki.fi>
Cc: calderonchristian73 at gmail.com <calderonchristian73 at gmail.com>; gmp-discuss at gmplib.org <gmp-discuss at gmplib.org>
Subject: Re: about prime number generation

> Thank you for your reply! It is useful. However, I need to get primes up to 10^12 (about 2^40), hence my question. I know there are deterministic versions of Miller Rabin that do this, but I don’t know what variety of primality testing you are using, hence the question I posed. If you know this, it would be great to know. Thank you indeed! If I succeed in what I want to do, then I will require many larger primes. But all primes under 2^40 would be great.

some useful information (for GMP 6.1.2) can be found in the file
utils/gmp_aux.c from cado-nfs (comment just before ulong_isprime).

Best regards,
Paul Zimmermann

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