mandelbrot fractal

folkert folkert at
Tue Sep 8 13:13:56 UTC 2015

Hi Vincent,

> hi Folkert - you probably want to consider building a small piece of gpgpu
> No CPU library can rival that.

Thanks for the elaborate reply.

My goal is not neccessarily to build the fastest most accurate
mandelbrot calculator. I was merely looking around for alternatives to
a "big number" library that I use on an embedded platform. The one I
use currently uses 1 byte per digit which is rather resource heavy for
an mcu with only 2KB of ram. Now GMP is probably also a bit too heavy
but I got carried away :-)

> BTW very interested in the program you got now to see how with more bits
> precision mandelbrot looks like - where is it for download?

I somewhat documented what I did:
You'll notice that there is hardly any difference beyond 64 bit.

Folkert van Heusden

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