mandelbrot fractal

folkert folkert at
Tue Sep 8 13:10:23 UTC 2015

> >Now what I'm curious about: can this piece of code be improved in some
> >way? From a GMP-lib usage point of view I mean.
> I didn't read the code, just a couple comments from the first few lines:
> You can use mpf_set_default_prec instead of setting the precision of each
> variable to the same value.

ah ok!

> I am not sure why you are including gmpxx.h (instead of gmp.h) if you don't
> use any of the mp*_class types.

I googled for example code and the one I found used that.

> mpf_t already acts as a pointer type, you shouldn't need to pass a mpf_t* to
> act on the argument.

Right thanks.

Folkert van Heusden

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