GMP C++11 support

Hans Aberg haberg-1 at
Tue Feb 10 13:22:40 UTC 2015

For GMP C++11 support, there might be the following functions, x = z, q, f:

For use with move constructor/assignment:
  void mpx_move(mpx_t x, mpx_t y);
Move data from y to x, leaving y in a state so that mpx_clear() can be called or assignments be made.

Hash function, for use with hash containers: std::unordered_set, std::unordered_map, etc.
  size_t mpx_hash(mpx_t x);

Both are easy to write, but one has to go below the the GMP API. In addition, mpz_init() allocates a limb, so one would want to have

inline void mpz_move(mpz_t x, mpz_t y) {
  x[0] = y[0];  mpz_null(y);


inline void mpz_null(mpz_t x) {
  x[0]._mp_alloc = 0;
  x[0]._mp_size = 0;
  x[0]._mp_d = NULL;    // Setting allocation pointer to null probably suffices.

But in this variation, one does not know if y is left in a valid GMP state - for that one has to use mpz_init() which will make an allocation that is never used (and immediately destroyed).

For the hash function, one can write:
  size_t mpz_hash(mpz_t x) {
      std::size_t h = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < abs(x->_mp_size); ++i)
        h ^= std::hash<mp_limb_t>()(x->_mp_d[i]);
      return h;
where std::hash<mp_limb_t>() merely extracts the C++ hash function for the builtin integral type that mp_limb_t represents. 

But then one has to go into the mpz_t type, so if the GMP implementation changes, the hash function must be changed too. GMP having its own hash maps might be more efficient, too.

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