my first code using GMP!

Torbjorn Granlund tg at
Thu May 31 20:34:30 CEST 2012

Pranav Jawale <pranavshriram at> writes:

    // this gives seg fault (same as in manual, except * replaced with 10)
    //gmp_printf ("fixed point mpf %.10Ff with %d digits\n", totalDigits,
  mpfNumber, totalDigits);
Mismatch between format string and parameters.

    // this gives seg fault
    //gmp_printf ("\n%%.*FE, with %d digits, gives: %.10FE\n",
  totalDigits,totalDigits, mpfNumber);
Mismatch between format string and parameters.

I didn't read further, but I assume the other errors are similar.


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