cross compiling gmp

Mike Mohr akihana at
Wed Jan 18 23:34:39 CET 2012

Thank you for sharing the procedure for (only) building the tests.  Is
there documentation regarding how the tests are run - i.e. what are
the command lines, what is tested when each case completes (i.e. BASH
return code?), etc.


On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 11:40 PM, Torbjorn Granlund <tg at> wrote:
> Mike Mohr <akihana at> writes:
>  I've been using GMP on Android for a while, but have never been able
>  to run the test suite on the final shared object.  Obviously, in any
>  cross compiler setting, you cannot run the generated code on the host
>  machine.  The problem (for me) is that there doesn't appear to be a
>  way to just compile and package the test suite.  Ideally, there should
>  be a way to transfer a fully-built test suite to the target (embedded)
>  system and run it there.  Has anyone solved this problem with GMP in
>  the past, and if so, how?  There appear to be multiple scripts that
>  control the individual test programs, which are themselves called from
>  the Makefile somehow.  I'm not sure how this can all be separated out.
> I am not aware of any specific mechanism for cross-compilation.
> (Building the tests without running them is easy; just do "make TESTS=
> check".)
> --
> Torbjörn

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