cross compiling gmp

Mike Mohr akihana at
Sun Jan 15 23:07:41 CET 2012

Good afternoon -

I've been using GMP on Android for a while, but have never been able
to run the test suite on the final shared object.  Obviously, in any
cross compiler setting, you cannot run the generated code on the host
machine.  The problem (for me) is that there doesn't appear to be a
way to just compile and package the test suite.  Ideally, there should
be a way to transfer a fully-built test suite to the target (embedded)
system and run it there.  Has anyone solved this problem with GMP in
the past, and if so, how?  There appear to be multiple scripts that
control the individual test programs, which are themselves called from
the Makefile somehow.  I'm not sure how this can all be separated out.


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