Please list mpack and SDPA-GMP which uses GMP in your web page.

Maho NAKATA chat95 at
Fri May 21 00:49:05 CEST 2010

Hello GMP developers,

My name is Nakata, Maho a researcher in RIKEN ( Many thanks
for developing a nice software! I'm using extensivly.

I wrote this e-mail, because I would like to ask you to
add my two projects in "Projects using GMP".
Hope my projects are intresting to you ;-)

Following is my projects:

1. I have been developing one library; mpack 
The MPACK; Multiple precision arithmetic BLAS (MBLAS) and LAPACK (MLAPACK) 

2. SDPA-GMP (Semidifinite programming solver using GMP)

The SDPA-GMP is an SDP solver based on the SDPA, which is intended to obtain highly accurate solutions by utilizing arbitrary precision arithmetic in the GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library (GMP). The current version of the SDPA-GMP shares the same features with the SDPA except for user settable accuracy usually for extraordinary accurate calculations. Expect for newly added one parameters ``precision'', user experience is the same as the SDPA. Note that the SDPA-GMP is typically several ten or hundred times slower than the SDPA. 

Thank you very much!
-- Nakata Maho , JA OOO ,GPG:

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