Need help with mpz_t...
David Cleaver
wraithx at
Mon Jun 14 06:32:23 CEST 2010
My apologies, I found out that the problem was actually with my own printf
statement. When I was displaying the 2 64-bit int's, I used %016x which only
showed the lower 32-bits. When I switched that to %016I64x it showed all
64-bits, and then I could see that yes, the GMP number was the concatenation of
the 2 64-bit ints.
I found another way to do this that looks much better in code, but is about 5x
slower in practice:
for (j = 0; j < 64; j++)
if (results2[i]&((u64_t)1<<j))
mpz_setbit(my_result, j+64);
if (results1[i]&((u64_t)1<<j))
mpz_setbit(my_result, j);
}/* end for */
However, if anyone knows of a faster way to do this conversion, I'd still like
to hear about it. Thanks for your time.
-David C.
David Cleaver wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've run into some trouble trying to "load" mpz_t's with 64-bit int's.
> I was wondering if someone here could show me what I'm doing wrong or
> suggest a better way to accomplish the following:
> I have 2 64-bit numbers. They are both an unsigned long long. I am
> compiling on Windows with mingw64. I am trying to just basically
> concatenate the 2 64-bit numbers into 1 128-bit mpz_t.
> Here is what I am currently trying:
> mpz_set_ui(my_result, 0);
> mpz_add_ui(my_result, my_result, (u32_t)((results2[i]>>32)&0xffffffff));
> mpz_mul_2exp(my_result, my_result, 32);
> mpz_add_ui(my_result, my_result, (u32_t)(results2[i]&0xffffffff));
> mpz_mul_2exp(my_result, my_result, 32);
> mpz_add_ui(my_result, my_result, (u32_t)((results1[i]>>32)&0xffffffff));
> mpz_mul_2exp(my_result, my_result, 32);
> mpz_add_ui(my_result, my_result, (u32_t)(results1[i]&0xffffffff));
> (I've typedef'd u32_t to be unsigned int)
> It seems the bottom 32-bits from both inputs are correct in the output.
> But the top 32-bits are 'not-always' correct in the output. Here are a
> few examples of what the code above is producing for me:
> 00000000000100000000000010000020 (top number is 2 ULL next to each other)
> 00002000000100000000000010000020 (bottom number is mpz_t from above code)
> 00000000000000000000000000000000
> 00020000000000000400000000000000
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