Squaring Question

Digital Parasite digital.parasite at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 18:52:14 CET 2009

If I need to square a value many times in a loop, is using mpz_mul the
fastest way in GMP to achieve this or is there another function that
is better specifically for squaring?

For example, some sample code below:

// r = 6
// q = 350000
// p = 2^q so in this case 350000 bits

for (j=1; j <= mpz_get_ui(q); j++)
	// t = r^2 - 2
	mpz_mul(t, r, r);
	mpz_sub_ui(t, t, 2);
	// r = t | p
	mpz_mod(r, t, p);

Thank you in advance.

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