Question re LGPL

Paul Zimmermann Paul.Zimmermann at
Wed Apr 1 17:32:06 CEST 2009


> Date: Wed, 01 Apr 2009 13:10:46 +0800
> From: "Bruce M. Axtens" <bruce.axtens at>
> G'day everyone
> I have a large project, which I shall call Z. Z runs on Windows and 
> dynamically calls a DLL, Y, which is statically linked to GMP. Am I 
> reading the license correctly if I assume that the source for Y must be 
> released under the terms of the LGPL because it is statically linked to GMP?
> Kind regards,
> Bruce.

the answer depends on which version of GMP you are using. If the version of
GMP is under the LGPL v2.1, then according to, Section 6, you must
provide the user of Y with one of the choices a. to e, which do not all imply
that Y is released under LGPL.

Paul Zimmermann

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