Cost of GNU basic (multi-precision) operations

Miodrag Petkovic msp at
Thu Sep 6 23:52:17 CEST 2007

Dear Sir,

My fields of interest are problems of numerical analysis, in particular, solving nonlinear equations.
More than 10 years I have implemented my fast iterative root-solvers
using the programming package MAPLE and MATHEMATICA in multiple precision
arithmetic (they, actually, use GNU). For the purpose of a scientific paper in preparation, 
I need some date about 
the cost of basic arithmetic operations; namely, if the (CPU) cost of ADDITION
and SUBTRACTION are normalized to 1, what is the cost of MULTIPLICATION and DIVISION?
Or, which is the same, what is the numbers of these four operations executed  in 1 second
I have these data for some digital computers including super-computers, but
not for the mentioned packages. Of course, I know that this cost depends on the used processor and
the number of the employed decimal digits, but some estimates probably exist.

I would like to learn these data and I ask you to help me.
My scientific contribution can be found on my Web site

Thank you very much in advance.

Kindest regards

Professor Miodrag Petkovic
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