MPFR 6 dll not compiling with exports under VC6

Ben Aguayo info at
Mon Apr 17 00:56:30 CEST 2006

I posted here about the same issue a pair of weeks ago and got good answers, but I was reminded to post (more correctly) in the mpfr dicussion list, so I did that.

Unfortunately no one answered my question and because that I'm posting this here again.

As Rob and Brian Gladman pointed me, compiling the mpfr library under VC6 as a DLL fails, because the DLL has no exported functions.

So the problem is that the VC6 project doesn't have an mpfr.h file that exports the function when compiling the DLL.

Since modifying the file for myself still is too complex for me I'm asking if some of you have the proper mpfr.h file for compiling the mpfr2.03  DLL under Visual C++ 6

Thanks in advance.

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