Exact division and mpf

Paul Zimmermann Paul.Zimmermann at loria.fr
Sun Nov 20 14:28:50 CET 2005

   Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2005 14:33:00 +0200
   From: "Elias P. TSIGARIDAS" <et at di.uoa.gr>

   Hello to all,

   Can anyone tell me if I can assume exact division for mpf_class?

   For example can I assume that
   mpf_class( 6) / mpf_class( 3)
   will return mpf_class( 2) ?

   Thanks in advance


I don't know for mpf, but mpfr guarantees correct rounding, which implies
that if a division is exact, you get the exact quotient. See mpfr.org for
further details.


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