problem when converting from double

Robby Villegas robby.villegas at
Sun Jan 30 10:10:37 CET 2005

To debug this, you can easily make GMP show you its value for the rational
number, or the values for numerator and denominator separately.

To write out the quotient, use:

  mpq_out_str(stdout, 10, val)

To write out the numerator and denominator separately as integers, use:

  mpz_out_str(stdout, 10, num)
  mpz_out_str(stdout, 10, den)

As an example, I did this for 0.3 (see program attached below), and got:

  GMP says the rational is:
  This output has 34 bytes.

  Numerator = 5404319552844595
  Denominator = 18014398509481984

And there's your problem:  the integers for numerator and denominator are too
big to fit into a C int or long if the latter are only 32 bits.  Thus, I also
saw "junk" when I used your mpz_get_si calls.  The GMP documentation on
"Converting Integers" warns you of fitting too-large values into C integers:

As for why the rational representation uses such big integers, realize that C
doubles typically have 53 bits of precision, and the range of values is
typically DBL_MIN ~= 10^-308 and DBL_MAX ~= 10^308.  For instance, the binary
representation of 0.3 is typically:

  0.10011001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011 x 2^-1

To write this as a ratio of integers, take the mantissa bits and make an
integer out of them; this yields 5404319552844595.  The denominator
is 2^54, which is 18014398509481984.

So, the output from GMP is not surprising.

You could truncate to the most significant 32 bits of the integers, *if* you
test that the number is in a reasonable range (1/INT_MAX < x < INT_MAX at the
outside).  But you won't be able to do this with all doubles, e.g. 1.0e20 is too
big for a quotient of 32-bit integers.

As others have said, you probably want a rationalizer library, from which
you can get nice quotients like 1/3 instead of bigthing/hugething.

Robby Villegas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  snip  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sample usages of this command:

  thisCommand 0.3
  thisCommand 0.25
  thisCommand 3.14159265358979323e-290


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <gmp.h>

int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
	mpq_t val;
	mpz_t num,
	const char * digits;

	double g;
	char * statusPtr;
	size_t bytes;
	if (argc != 2) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "  <thisCommand> <number>\n");
	digits = argv[1];

	g = strtod(digits, &statusPtr);
	if (statusPtr == digits) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Apparently, the given digits \"%s\" aren't parsible
as a floating point number by strtod().\n", digits);
	mpq_set_d(val, g);

	printf("GMP says the rational is:\n");
	bytes = mpq_out_str(stdout, 10, val);
	printf("\nThis output has %u bytes.\n", bytes);

	mpq_get_num(num, val);
	mpq_get_den(den, val);
	printf("Numerator = ");
	mpz_out_str(stdout, 10, num);
	printf("Denominator = ");
	mpz_out_str(stdout, 10, den);

	return 0;

%localhost (GMP) (49) > ./temp 0.25
GMP says the rational is:
This output has 3 bytes.
Numerator = 1
Denominator = 4

%localhost (GMP) (50) > ./temp 0.3
GMP says the rational is:
This output has 34 bytes.
Numerator = 5404319552844595
Denominator = 18014398509481984

%localhost (GMP) (51) > ./temp 3.14159265358979323e-290
GMP says the rational is:
This output has 323 bytes.
Numerator = 5515253462785407
Denominator = 175555970201398037864189960037990696642380564349834626243584063630598316216309534309285622385163609395625111210811907575838661883607828732903171318983861449587663958422720200465138886329341888788528401320395513446131006525725061407689368272012526598792334483090416306874948482361796597953940777665648656384
%localhost (GMP) (52) >

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