Joppe Bos jwbos at science.uva.nl
Sun Jan 23 21:39:56 CET 2005


I think you are wrong, I have never heard from this library before but
when I enter the library homepage of NTL there is a link to a page called
"A Tour of NLT: Using NTL with GMP"
(http://www.shoup.net/ntl/doc/tour-gmp.html), here it is stated that:
"Briefly, GMP is a library for long integer arithmetic. It has
hand-crafted assembly routines for a wide variety of architectures. For
basic operations, like integer multiplication, it can be two to three (and
sometimes bit more) times faster than NTL's traditional long integer
package. The speedup is most dramatic on x86 machines."

So this would imply GMP is way faster compared to NTL for basic
operations. Note I have not downloaded this library nor tested anything I
just copied this information from the website. So I am a little bit
curious wat you tested to get your results? :-)


Joppe Bos

On Sun, 23 Jan 2005, jojo 29 wrote:

> Hi,
> Do you know the library called NTL (www.shoup.net/ntl/) ?
> It's a similar library to GMP, i've tested it but i'm afraid that NTL is
> ten times (!!) fastless than GMP. am i wrong?
> thanks
> jojo (FRANCE)

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