Efficient implementation of polynomial multiplication

Décio Luiz Gazzoni Filho decio at decpp.net
Sat Mar 6 19:16:23 CET 2004

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 06 March 2004 17:53, you wrote:
> Décio Luiz Gazzoni Filho <decio at decpp.net> writes:
> > I'm thinking either something that manipulates the mpz_t->_mp_d array
> > directly,
> Don't do that if you want to be compatible with future releases.

Considering how time critical the code is, I can afford to fix it if/when the 
interface changes.

> > or something using mpz_import/mpz_export...
> If the shifts aren't doing what you want then this would be the go.
> You might want to break out the profiler to check time is going where
> you think it is.

I'm pretty sure it's being used in the shifts. I was able to complete a task 
involving that code in 25 minutes today whereas the old code hadn't done 1/4 
or 1/3 of its job in half a day, after which I stopped it. And the shifts 
were the only thing I changed.

> >   X->_mp_size = deg*limbs+j;
> You may have to realloc X to ensure there's enough room at _mp_d.  And
> you definitely must ensure the high limb is non-zero.  See "Internals"
> in the manual if you really want to do this sort of thing.

That's why I had the following lines up there:

Since b = limbs*mp_bits_per_limb, and j < limbs always holds, then this code 
will never write over unallocated memory. Since coeffs[deg] and arg[deg] are 
guaranteed to be non-zero, then I need to worry about a non-zero high limb 
only when storing those. That's why I took then out of the loop and didn't 
zero-pad _mp_d like I did with the others.

In fact when I asked about portability of the code, the main concern in my 
mind was about endianness. Do you see any flaws with the code regarding that?

Thanks a lot,

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