Convergence problems with Intel's 8.0 C++ compiler

Felix E. Klee felix.klee.gmp at
Fri Mar 5 16:35:34 CET 2004

On Thu, 04 Mar 2004 07:16:42 +1000 Kevin Ryde wrote:
> I'll add these words to the manual,

Fine, although I'm not sure if "C++ Interface Floats" is the correct
section. After all, no other "operator..." functions are mentioned there. Maybe
"C++ Interface Limitations" would be more appropriate. But I don't care too
much about these details, as long as it is pointed out somewhere that using
templates such as std::complex is dangerous (but maybe this is obvious to a
seasoned numerical C++ programmer).

>  - Function: void mpf_class::operator= (type OP)

Hm, the return value is not "void", it's "__gmp_expr &".


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