[Administrivia] Identifying list messages (was: What algorithm is...)

Linus Nordberg linus at nordberg.se
Sun Feb 29 17:23:37 CET 2004

David McKen <cic_3_b at yahoo.com> wrote
Mon, 23 Feb 2004 08:45:16 -0800 (PST):

|  Also to the list moderators/owners, would it be too much trouble to
|  put a header in the subject for all messages sent to the GMP mailing
|  list? e.g. the  subject for this message would change to
|  "[GMP-discuss]What algorithm is used in mpz_divisible_p" or something
|  similar. I happen to be on a couple other mailing lists and it helps
|  me differentiate between valid e-mails and spam.


Maybe you could use the "List-Id" header and have some of your mail
software sort list messages to one or several separate mail folders?

For this list, the header looks like this:

  List-Id: GMP Discussions List  <gmp-discuss.swox.com>

If this is a viable option for most of you, I'd rather not insert
anything in the subject header.


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