improved Montgomery multiplication

Dr. Robert J. Harley
Fri, 20 Jun 2003 17:05:01 +0200 (CEST)

Hi Paul,

You wrote:
>did somebody out there implement Phil McLaughlin's new frameworks
>for Montgomery multiplication in gmp? It just appeared in Math of Comp

There's no detail in the abstract, but I guess that he suggests doing
modular multiplication by precomputing inverses with 2^(k*2^n)+1 and
using Schönhage-style multiplication for integers, or with x^(k*2^n)+1
and using Nussbaumer-style multiplication for polynomials, instead of
the most practical cases of 2^N or x^N.  Montgomery's original paper
did not restrict to the latter cases so I am not sure why this is a
"new framework".  To answer your question, I played with some trivial
examples in GP a few years ago but never wrote a proper
implementation... sorry.

PS: Maybe I'm mistaken and there is something great in the article;
    I'll read it to find out next time I'm in an appropriate library! :)

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