random generator

Karl Hasselström kha@treskal.com
Thu, 31 Oct 2002 16:45:10 +0100

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On 2002-10-31 16:32:01 +0000, Francesco Tonolli wrote:
> Can you explain me the right way to make a random number??

(Pseudo-)Random generators in programs generally start with one value
called a seed value, then compute the next value from that (in a
completely deterministic manner), then compute the next value from
that, etc. To get different pseudorandom sequences every time you run
the program, you must provide the generator with a different seed
value each time, for example the current time.

It seems from your description that Pascal does this for you. GMP does
not; you have to do that yourself by calling one of the functions
described in the "Random State Seeding" section of the manual.

Kalle Hasselstr=F6m, kha@treskal.com

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