Refinancing Help

Larry Hundle
Thu, 14 Nov 2002 19:11:04

Northeastern Marketing provides comprehensive and high quality leads you can trust. Our guaranteed leads save you both time and money.  Our mortgage leads are twenty four hours fresh and exclusive. Northeastern employs a network of extensively marketed and branded web sites designed to engender trust, enthusiasm and loyalty from consumers desiring to receive specific information and services.  Leads West is able to provide a high volume of high quality leads on a consistent basis.The prices on our leads, range from 25.00 to 38.00 a lead, depending on amount and the filters you require. We can give you any  LTVs, loan amounts, interest rates and type of credit. They are sorted by zip codes or area codes so your specific area can be targeted. The close rate for clients last month was between 27% to 33%.

4:06PM - In fact, a new client of mine in Illinois just contacted me and told me he closed 5 of the first 12 leads he got from me and that that was the best money he ever spent.  Even offered to put in writing.

Thank you,
Larry Hundle
Phone: (702) 334-2157
Fax: (702) 920-8874

Business Opp
New Cars
Credit Card
targeted email marketing

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