bdiv vs redc

Torbjorn Granlund tg at
Thu Jun 28 18:38:27 CEST 2012

nisse at (Niels Möller) writes:

  I seriously doubt that it works for sbpi1_bdiv_qr. I think it does work
  for sbpi1_bdiv_q. That function doesn't use the trick of delaying the
  addition of the carry limbs, it just applies the carry limbs one at a
  time with mpn_add_1, like
        cy = mpn_addmul_1 (np, dp, dn, q);
        mpn_add_1 (np + dn, np + dn, i, cy);
Which is probably costing many cycles.

I would like a structure like redc's, i.e.

  iterate nn-dn times
    q = ...
    hi = mpn_addmul_1 (...)

I mean, a single outer loop for each quotient limb.  This could be made
to work if blah is an mpn_add_1, but that's quite expensive.  It can
probably not be made to work without applying mpn_addmul_1's carry-out
to the partial remainder.

I think the right way would be to apply it manually, and keep 2-limb
carry, one from mpn_addmul_1 and one from the addition of the return
value to the partial remainder...  Something like this:

  iterate nn-dn times
    q = np[0] * dinv
    hi = mpn_addmul_1 (np, dp, dn, q)
    hi += cy
    cy = hi < cy		// can this be true?
    hi += np[dn]
    cy2 += hi < np[dn]
    np[dn] = hi
    np += 1;


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