Divide and conquer binomial
bodrato at mail.dm.unipi.it
bodrato at mail.dm.unipi.it
Thu Dec 22 08:25:34 CET 2011
Il Gio, 15 Dicembre 2011 11:10 am, Niels Möller ha scritto:
> bodrato at mail.dm.unipi.it writes:
>> Yes, there is a _very_naive_ implementation of this in the code I tested
>> last year ( http://bodrato.it/software/combinatorics.html#bin_uiui ).
> Do you think a dc algorithm of this type can be powerful enough to
> compute, e.g., bin(2^80, 2^20)? The bitsize of bin(n,k) should be
I wrote some code to generalize the DC approach to binomial
I tested it with bin(12345678901234567890123,k), here are the timings:
k old-cycles new-cycles sizeinbase(res,2)
0 1630 1440 1
1 1830 790 74
2 2670 1310 146
4 3850 8150 289
9 7690 12040 643
18 18570 25170 1269
37 42130 58170 2572
75 134220 181020 5141
150 483330 395640 10136
301 1755640 1052250 20040
602 6198380 2750300 39483
1205 22748170 7240040 77830
2411 91214650 19464480 153318
4822 367013120 52394570 301820
9645 1524299180 140377010 594062
19290 6307145390 372390070 1168842
38580 25443596180 1013052090 2299111
77160 ########### 2404496880 4521070
154320 ########### 5902365890 8887828
308641 ########### 13789221420 17467080
617283 ########### 32058174180 34316941
1234567 ########### 75451795730 67399379
As you can see, with k=38580 the new code is 25 times faster than current
bin_ui. With k=1234567 it takes almost 75Gcycles to produce the 8Mb of the
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