Allocation for toom33

Torbjorn Granlund tg at
Sun Oct 25 16:28:22 CET 2009

nisse at (Niels Möller) writes:

  Torbjorn Granlund <tg at> writes:
  > I checked the measured data to see if toom33 is anytime considered the
  > best function and s + t >= n + 5 does not hold.  Here are the points for
  > a core i7:
  > [...]
  One other observation: They all have large s and small t. Is there any
  input sizes where it's optimal to choose a toom varaiant that results
  in a small s?
The reason s is large and t is small for toomMN with M=N is that we
don't allow s < t (since we don't allow an < bn for the original operand

  Does it ever happen that s <= an - M? If it does, how small can it be?
  Can it ever happen that s < t?
I have a very simple program that I recommend that you use, and let it
operate on my measured data.

The program is
Data for Core i7 is in

I'll make these publicly available if there is interest.  (Or at least
the beginning of the 2 Gibyte kmes-15000.i7.)

There is a simple loop at the end of the program, with example analyses
for toom33 and toom32.

For toom32 I get these points with small s:

 an  bn    s  t   n
 26  22:   4  11  11
 27  24:   3  12  12
 29  26:   3  13  13
100  95:   4  47  48
100  96:   4  48  48

I get slightly more points with small t:

117  43:  39   4  39
129  46:  43   3  43
130  46:  42   2  44
130  47:  42   3  44
130  48:  42   4  44
131  46:  43   2  44
131  47:  43   3  44
132  46:  44   2  44
132  48:  44   4  44
140  51:  46   4  47
142  52:  46   4  48
143  51:  47   3  48
143  52:  47   4  48
144  52:  48   4  48
166  59:  54   3  56
166  60:  54   4  56
167  58:  55   2  56
167  59:  55   3  56
167  60:  55   4  56
168  59:  56   3  56
168  60:  56   4  56
178  63:  58   3  60
179  63:  59   3  60
179  64:  59   4  60
180  63:  60   3  60
203  72:  67   4  68

Two caveats:

(1) The inf point is still poorly measured... :-) The small s/t
    experiements should have valid measurements since it is
    unquestionable mul_basecase's turf.  But the function over which the
    small s/t function is winning might run too slowly because it ran
    into a mpn_mul stupidity.

(2) Each an,bn point was measured just once.  The measurement program was
    written mainly for generating data for graphs, and I assume the eye
    is a good noise filter.  (It is possible to compile the measurement
    program to make any number of measurements, and then take the median.)

For these reasons, we should draw conclusions cautiously.


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