stack space in gcd operations
David Harvey
dmharvey at
Sun Aug 16 21:36:20 CEST 2009
I am having a problem with a threaded application using mpz_invert
and running out of stack space on OS X. The default stack size for
new threads on OSX is apparently only 512 KB, compared with 8 MB for
linux (at least on the systems I tried).
The code below creates a new thread with the requested amount of
stack space and attempts an n-limb mpz_invert operation. On OS X this
fails (bus error) e.g. when the stack is 448 KB and n = 2800, but it
works fine with a larger stack, even for much larger operands. This
doesn't leave much room on the stack for the calling application.
(Note that I haven't checked directly whether the stack is
overflowing; I tried to use -fstack-check but couldn't get it to
work. The only evidence I have is which values of n and stack size
cause the program below to crash.)
It is reasonable for GMP to require so much stack space for xgcd?
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <gmp.h>
#include <pthread.h>
worker (void* arg)
size_t n = * (size_t*) arg;
mpz_t a, b;
mpz_init (a);
mpz_init (b);
/* try to invert a random number modulo B^n + 1 */
mpz_random (a, n);
mpz_set_ui (b, 1);
mpz_mul_2exp (b, b, n * GMP_NUMB_BITS);
mpz_add_ui (b, b, 1);
mpz_invert (a, a, b);
mpz_clear (b);
mpz_clear (a);
main (int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc < 3)
printf ("syntax: test <n> <stacksize>\n");
return 0;
size_t n = atol (argv[1]);
size_t old_stacksize;
size_t new_stacksize = atol (argv[2]);
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_attr_init (&attr);
pthread_attr_getstacksize (&attr, &old_stacksize);
printf ("old stacksize = %ld\n", old_stacksize);
int retval = pthread_attr_setstacksize (&attr, new_stacksize);
if (retval != 0)
printf ("pthread_attr_setstacksize call failed with size = %ld
return 0;
pthread_t thread;
pthread_create (&thread, &attr, worker, &n);
pthread_join (thread, NULL);
pthread_attr_destroy (&attr);
return 0;
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