gmp-bench benchmarks for Athlon64 3000+ processor

David Barton david.barton.99 at
Tue Jul 6 13:15:22 CEST 2004


Here are some benchmarks for GMP 4.1.3 on an Acer Aspire 1501LCe laptop 
with an Athlon64 3000+ processor running Gentoo Linux.

Clock speed: 1800MHz
Cache: 1MB
GCC: 3.4.0

CFLAGS and results below, no modifications to the benchmarking code.

***** GMPbench version 0.1 *****
Using default CFLAGS = "-O2 -march=athlon64 -mtune=athlon64 -pipe"
Using CC = "gcc" from your environment
Using default LIBS = "-static -lgmp"
Using compilation command: gcc -O2 -march=athlon64 -mtune=athlon64 -pipe 
foo.c -o foo -static -lgmp
You may want to override CC, CFLAGS, and LIBS
Using gmp version: 4.1.3
Compiling benchmarks
Running benchmarks
   Category base
     Program multiply
       multiply 128 128
       GMPbench.base.multiply.128,128 result: 15263915
       multiply 512 512
       GMPbench.base.multiply.512,512 result: 2561920
       multiply 8192 8192
       GMPbench.base.multiply.8192,8192 result: 19241
       multiply 131072 131072
       GMPbench.base.multiply.131072,131072 result: 249
       multiply 2097152 2097152
       GMPbench.base.multiply.2097152,2097152 result: 7.41
     GMPbench.base.multiply result: 16924
     Program divide
       divide 8192 32
       GMPbench.base.divide.8192,32 result: 397887
       divide 8192 64
       GMPbench.base.divide.8192,64 result: 467834
       divide 8192 128
       GMPbench.base.divide.8192,128 result: 322676
       divide 8192 4096
       GMPbench.base.divide.8192,4096 result: 42829
       divide 8192 8064
       GMPbench.base.divide.8192,8064 result: 542037
       divide 131072 8192
       GMPbench.base.divide.131072,8192 result: 849
       divide 131072 65536
       GMPbench.base.divide.131072,65536 result: 374
       divide 8388608 4194304
       GMPbench.base.divide.8388608,4194304 result: 0.800
     GMPbench.base.divide result: 11713
   GMPbench.base result: 14079
   Category app
     Program rsa
       rsa 512 result: 5362
       rsa 1024 result: 949
       rsa 2048 result: 149 result: 911.86 result: 911.86
GMPbench result: 3583

Pretty quick for a (relatively) cheap laptop!


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