[Gmp-commit] /var/hg/gmp: Provide arm64 sqr_basecase.

mercurial at gmplib.org mercurial at gmplib.org
Thu Dec 24 23:56:27 UTC 2020

details:   /var/hg/gmp/rev/03ad892af8d9
changeset: 18187:03ad892af8d9
user:      Torbjorn Granlund <tg at gmplib.org>
date:      Fri Dec 25 00:55:41 2020 +0100
Provide arm64 sqr_basecase.


 mpn/arm64/applem1/sqr_basecase.asm |  318 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 318 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 322 to 300 lines):

diff -r 925753a1f950 -r 03ad892af8d9 mpn/arm64/applem1/sqr_basecase.asm
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mpn/arm64/applem1/sqr_basecase.asm	Fri Dec 25 00:55:41 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+dnl  ARM64 mpn_sqr_basecase
+dnl  Contributed to the GNU project by Torbjörn Granlund.
+dnl  Copyright 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+dnl  This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
+dnl  The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl  it under the terms of either:
+dnl    * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+dnl      Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+dnl      option) any later version.
+dnl  or
+dnl    * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+dnl      Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
+dnl      later version.
+dnl  or both in parallel, as here.
+dnl  The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+dnl  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+dnl  or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+dnl  for more details.
+dnl  You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the
+dnl  GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library.  If not,
+dnl  see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+dnl TODO
+dnl  * Replace the mul_1 code with less scheduled and thus simpler code.  If
+dnl    we base it on the addmul_1 loop, the corner code could benefit from
+dnl    similar incoming register state, which could eliminate some loads.
+dnl  * Handle n = 4 early.
+dnl  * Duplicate addmul loop into 4 loops which fall into each other.  Perhaps
+dnl    stick to one mul_1 loop, but do the (mod 4) stuff at its end instead of
+dnl    its beginning.
+define(`rp', `x0')
+define(`up', `x1')
+define(`n',  `x2')
+define(`v0', `x3')
+define(`CY', `x17')
+	cmp	n, #3
+	b.ls	L(le3)
+	ldr	v0, [up],#8
+	sub	n, n, #1
+	mul	x6, v0, v0
+	umulh	x4, v0, v0
+	str	x6, [rp],#8
+	lsl	v0, v0, 1
+	lsl	n, n, #3
+	lsr	x16, n, #5
+	tbnz	n, #3, L(mbx1)
+L(mbx0):adds	x11, x4, xzr		C move and clear cy
+	tbz	n, #4, L(mb00)
+L(mb10):ldp	x4, x5, [up],#16
+	mul	x8, x4, v0
+	umulh	x10, x4, v0
+	cbz	x16, L(m2e)
+	ldp	x6, x7, [up],#16
+	mul	x9, x5, v0
+	b	L(mmid)-8
+L(mbx1):ldr	x7, [up],#8
+	mul	x9, x7, v0
+	umulh	x11, x7, v0
+	adds	x9, x9, x4
+	str	x9, [rp],#8
+	tbnz	n, #4, L(mb10)
+L(mb00):ldp	x6, x7, [up],#16
+	mul	x8, x6, v0
+	umulh	x10, x6, v0
+	ldp	x4, x5, [up],#16
+	mul	x9, x7, v0
+	adcs	x12, x8, x11
+	umulh	x11, x7, v0
+	sub	x16, x16, #1
+	cbz	x16, L(mend)
+	ALIGN(16)
+L(mtop):mul	x8, x4, v0
+	ldp	x6, x7, [up],#16
+	adcs	x13, x9, x10
+	umulh	x10, x4, v0
+	mul	x9, x5, v0
+	stp	x12, x13, [rp],#16
+	adcs	x12, x8, x11
+	umulh	x11, x5, v0
+L(mmid):mul	x8, x6, v0
+	ldp	x4, x5, [up],#16
+	adcs	x13, x9, x10
+	umulh	x10, x6, v0
+	mul	x9, x7, v0
+	stp	x12, x13, [rp],#16
+	adcs	x12, x8, x11
+	umulh	x11, x7, v0
+	sub	x16, x16, #1
+	cbnz	x16, L(mtop)
+L(mend):mul	x8, x4, v0
+	adcs	x13, x9, x10
+	umulh	x10, x4, v0
+	stp	x12, x13, [rp],#16
+L(m2e):	mul	x9, x5, v0
+	adcs	x12, x8, x11
+	umulh	x11, x5, v0
+	adcs	x13, x9, x10
+	stp	x12, x13, [rp],#16
+	adc	x11, x11, xzr
+	str	x11, [rp],#8
+	sub	n, n, #8
+	sub	rp, rp, n
+	sub	up, up, n
+	ldp	x6, x7, [up,#-16]
+	ldr	v0, [rp,#-8]
+	and	x8, x7, x6, asr 63
+	mul	x9, x7, x7
+	adds	v0, v0, x8
+	umulh	x4, x7, x7
+	adc	x4, x4, xzr
+	adds	v0, v0, x9
+	str	v0, [rp,#-8]
+	adc	CY, x4, xzr
+	adds	xzr, x6, x6
+	adc	v0, x7, x7
+	cmp	n, #16
+	beq	L(cor2)
+	lsr	x16, n, #5
+	tbz	n, #3, L(bx0)
+L(bx1):	ldr	x4, [up],#8
+	mul	x8, x4, v0
+	umulh	x4, x4, v0
+	tbz	n, #4, L(b01)
+L(b11):	ldp	x5, x6, [up],#16
+	ldp	x12, x13, [rp]
+	ldr	x14, [rp,#16]
+	mul	x9, x5, v0
+	umulh	x5, x5, v0
+	mul	x10, x6, v0
+	umulh	x6, x6, v0
+	adds	x8, x12, x8
+	adcs	x4, x13, x4
+	adcs	x5, x14, x5
+	adc	x6, x6, xzr
+	adds	x8, x8, CY
+	adcs	x4, x4, x9
+	adcs	x5, x5, x10
+	adc	CY, x6, xzr
+	stp	x8, x4, [rp],#16
+	str	x5, [rp],#8
+	cbnz	x16, L(top)
+	b	L(end)
+L(b01):	ldr	x12, [rp]
+	adds	x8, x12, x8
+	adc	x4, x4, xzr
+	adds	x8, x8, CY
+	adc	CY, x4, xzr
+	str	x8, [rp],#8
+	b	L(top)
+L(bx0):	ldp	x4, x5, [up],#16
+	tbz	n, #4, L(top)+4
+L(b10):	ldp	x12, x13, [rp]
+	mul	x8, x4, v0
+	umulh	x4, x4, v0
+	mul	x9, x5, v0
+	umulh	x5, x5, v0
+	adds	x8, x12, x8
+	adcs	x4, x13, x4
+	adc	x5, x5, xzr
+	adds	x8, x8, CY
+	adcs	x4, x4, x9
+	adc	CY, x5, xzr
+	stp	x8, x4, [rp],#16
+	ALIGN(16)
+L(top):	ldp	x4, x5, [up],#16
+	ldp	x6, x7, [up],#16
+	ldp	x12, x13, [rp]
+	ldp	x14, x15, [rp,#16]
+	mul	x8, x4, v0
+	umulh	x4, x4, v0
+	mul	x9, x5, v0
+	umulh	x5, x5, v0
+	mul	x10, x6, v0
+	umulh	x6, x6, v0
+	mul	x11, x7, v0
+	umulh	x7, x7, v0
+	adds	x8, x12, x8
+	adcs	x4, x13, x4
+	adcs	x5, x14, x5
+	adcs	x6, x15, x6
+	adc	x7, x7, xzr
+	adds	x8, x8, CY
+	adcs	x4, x4, x9
+	adcs	x5, x5, x10
+	adcs	x6, x6, x11
+	adc	CY, x7, xzr
+	stp	x8, x4, [rp],#16
+	stp	x5, x6, [rp],#16
+	sub	x16, x16, #1
+	cbnz	x16, L(top)
+L(end):	str	CY, [rp],#8
+	b	L(outer)
+L(cor2):ldp	x10, x11, [up]
+	ldp	x12, x13, [rp]
+	mul	x8, x10, v0
+	umulh	x4, x10, v0
+	mul	x9, x11, v0
+	umulh	x5, x11, v0
+	adds	x8, x12, x8
+	adcs	x4, x13, x4
+	adc	x5, x5, xzr
+	adds	x8, x8, CY
+	adcs	x13, x4, x9
+	adc	x12, x5, xzr
+	str	x8, [rp]
+	and	x8, x10, x7, asr 63
+	mul	x9, x10, x10
+	adds	x13, x13, x8
+	umulh	x4, x10, x10
+	adc	x4, x4, xzr
+	adds	x13, x13, x9
+	adc	CY, x4, xzr
+	adds	xzr, x7, x7
+	adc	v0, x10, x10
+L(cor):	mul	x8, x11, v0
+	umulh	x4, x11, v0
+	adds	x8, x12, x8
+	adc	x4, x4, xzr
+	adds	x8, x8, CY
+	adc	v0, x4, xzr
+	stp	x13, x8, [rp,#8]
+	and	x2, x11, x10, asr 63
+	mul	x5, x11, x11
+	adds	v0, v0, x2
+	umulh	x4, x11, x11
+	adc	x4, x4, xzr
+	adds	v0, v0, x5
+	adc	x4, x4, xzr
+	stp	v0, x4, [rp,#24]
+	ret
+L(le3):	ldr	v0, [up]
+	mul	x4, v0, v0	C W0
+	umulh	x5, v0, v0	C W1
+	cmp	n, #2
+	b.hs	L(2o3)
+	stp	x4, x5, [rp]
+	ret
+L(2o3):	ldr	x6, [up,#8]
+	mul	x7, x6, x6	C W2
+	umulh	x8, x6, x6	C W3
+	mul	x9, v0, x6	C W1+1/64
+	umulh	x10, v0, x6	C W2+1/64
+	b.hi	L(3)
+	adds	x5, x5, x9	C W1
+	adcs	x7, x7, x10	C W2
+	adc	x8, x8, xzr	C W3
+	adds	x5, x5, x9	C W1
+	adcs	x7, x7, x10	C W2
+	adc	x8, x8, xzr	C W3
+	stp	x4, x5, [rp]
+	stp	x7, x8, [rp,#16]
+	ret
+L(3):	ldr	x11, [up,#16]
+	mul	x12, x11, x11	C W4
+	umulh	x13, x11, x11	C W5
+	mul	x14, v0, x11	C W2+1/64
+	umulh	x15, v0, x11	C W3+1/64
+	mul	x16, x6, x11	C W3+1/64
+	umulh	x17, x6, x11	C W4+1/64
+	adds	x5, x5, x9

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