Reduced number of allocated limbs after calling mpz_remove

Albin Ahlbäck albin.ahlback at
Mon May 20 17:33:03 CEST 2024

On 5/20/24 4:40 PM, Niels Möller wrote:> Could you use mpz_limbs_write 
(x, 2) for the functions that want a
> result area of at least two limbs? Added in gmp-6-0.0. There's also the
> mpz_realloc2 function, which does something related, but which may also
> shrink the allocation.

We do utilize the internal function mpz_realloc for almost everything as 
we mostly work with limbs instead of bits.

Just to note, we have "patched" every call to mpz_remove so that the 
returning mpz does not have less limbs than we require.


P.S. Looks like my previous email didn't make it to the list.

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