Bugs with Ventura system with Macos

Torbjörn Granlund tg at gmplib.org
Tue Jun 27 22:40:20 CEST 2023

Michel Collin <michel.a.collin at wanadoo.fr> writes:

  I used, for a long time C with GMP, on my Mac ( cryptography calculs
  ), and suddenly the applications I had made, who works very well on
  Monterey system, doesn’t work anymore on Ventura System.
  The compilation is OK but, for example, if I calculate a number with
  C-GMP, « rop » and when I try to calculate mpz_nextprime ( p, rop) the
  answer is « segmentation fault : 11 » .
  With my ancient Montereys System, everything was OK.
  My computer is a M1, a new one.
  Could you ask Apple about that ans had you news about these problems.

You will have more luck with a GMP snapshot; the last release does not
support arm under macos.

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