Compile warnings

Junges, Sebastian sebastian.junges at
Sat Feb 6 17:03:34 UTC 2016

Dear developers,

We are successfully using gmp in several of our projects. Thanks for all the efforts you put into the project.
I’m fully aware that compilation time warnings are not the same as bugs, however, I still would like to draw your attention to the following three warnings I get during compilation of files including gmp.h.
They prevent simple usage of -Werror.

/usr/local/include/gmp.h:2139:345: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
  do { mp_size_t __gmp_i; mp_limb_t __gmp_x; __gmp_i = (__gmp_ysize); if (__gmp_i != 0) { if (__gmpn_add_n (__gmp_wp, __gmp_xp, __gmp_yp, __gmp_i)) { do { if (__gmp_i >= (__gmp_xsize)) { (__gmp_c) = 1; goto __gmp_done; } __gmp_x = (__gmp_xp)[__gmp_i]; } while ((((__gmp_wp)[__gmp_i++] = (__gmp_x + 1) & ((~ (static_cast<mp_limb_t> (0))) >> 0)) == 0)); } } if ((__gmp_wp) != (__gmp_xp)) do { mp_size_t __gmp_j; ; for (__gmp_j = (__gmp_i); __gmp_j < (__gmp_xsize); __gmp_j++) (__gmp_wp)[__gmp_j] = (__gmp_xp)[__gmp_j]; } while (0); (__gmp_c) = 0; __gmp_done: ; } while (0);
/usr/local/include/gmp.h:2139:345: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
  do { mp_size_t __gmp_i; mp_limb_t __gmp_x; __gmp_i = (__gmp_ysize); if (__gmp_i != 0) { if (__gmpn_add_n (__gmp_wp, __gmp_xp, __gmp_yp, __gmp_i)) { do { if (__gmp_i >= (__gmp_xsize)) { (__gmp_c) = 1; goto __gmp_done; } __gmp_x = (__gmp_xp)[__gmp_i]; } while ((((__gmp_wp)[__gmp_i++] = (__gmp_x + 1) & ((~ (static_cast<mp_limb_t> (0))) >> 0)) == 0)); } } if ((__gmp_wp) != (__gmp_xp)) do { mp_size_t __gmp_j; ; for (__gmp_j = (__gmp_i); __gmp_j < (__gmp_xsize); __gmp_j++) (__gmp_wp)[__gmp_j] = (__gmp_xp)[__gmp_j]; } while (0); (__gmp_c) = 0; __gmp_done: ; } while (0);
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ~                                                                                  ^   ~
/usr/local/include/gmp.h:2139:345: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
  do { mp_size_t __gmp_i; mp_limb_t __gmp_x; __gmp_i = (__gmp_ysize); if (__gmp_i != 0) { if (__gmpn_add_n (__gmp_wp, __gmp_xp, __gmp_yp, __gmp_i)) { do { if (__gmp_i >= (__gmp_xsize)) { (__gmp_c) = 1; goto __gmp_done; } __gmp_x = (__gmp_xp)[__gmp_i]; } while ((((__gmp_wp)[__gmp_i++] = (__gmp_x + 1) & ((~ (static_cast<mp_limb_t> (0))) >> 0)) == 0)); } } if ((__gmp_wp) != (__gmp_xp)) do { mp_size_t __gmp_j; ; for (__gmp_j = (__gmp_i); __gmp_j < (__gmp_xsize); __gmp_j++) (__gmp_wp)[__gmp_j] = (__gmp_xp)[__gmp_j]; } while (0); (__gmp_c) = 0; __gmp_done: ; } while (0);
To reproduce, include gmp.h and compile using 
Apple LLVM version 7.0.2 (clang-700.1.81)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin15.0.0
Thread model: posix

Kind regards,

Sebastian Junges

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