GMP make check failure

Torbjorn Granlund tg at
Sat Sep 28 18:58:13 CEST 2013

Yuri Matiyasevich <yumat at> writes:

  Sorry, I wasn't able to install GMP:
  root at Arb-1:/home/yumat/gmp-5.1.2# make check  > make_check
  /bin/bash: строка 5: 14194 Аварийный останов         (подготовлен дамп
  ядра) ${dir}$tst
  t-io_raw.c:102: GNU MP assertion failed: ! ferror(fp)
  /bin/bash: строка 5: 14996 Аварийный останов         (подготовлен дамп
  ядра) ${dir}$tst
  make[4]: *** [check-TESTS] Ошибка 1
  make[3]: *** [check-am] Ошибка 2
  make[2]: *** [check-recursive] Ошибка 1
  make[1]: *** [check-recursive] Ошибка 1
  make: *** [check] Ошибка 2
Most of your message comes out as ????? for me, so I cannot make much
sense out of it.

Perhaps you're using some Cyrillic encoding?

Furthermore, you have redirected awaythe output to a file.

But let me make a wild guess: There might be an I/O error (as suggested
by ferror(fp)) which is caused by a full disk or a faulty disk.


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