GMP on the Playstation

Paul Zimmermann Paul.Zimmermann at
Thu Sep 16 05:40:51 CEST 2010

[followup of]

I tried again GMP 5.0.1 on (Playstation 3), now it works!

The version of GCC is now 4.4.4 (Debian 4.4.4-1).

Some timings:

zimmerma at ps3gccfarm:~/gmp-5.0.1/tune$ ./speed -s 1-1000000 -f 2 mpn_mul_n
overhead 0.000000009 secs, precision 10000 units of 1.25e-08 secs, CPU freq 3192.00 MHz
1         0.000000029
2         0.000000072
4         0.000000237
8         0.000000842
16        0.000002752
32        0.000008607
64        0.000026558
128       0.000077585
256       0.000226234
512       0.000617789
1024      0.001565632
2048      0.004290014
4096      0.011169966
8192      0.023912469
16384     0.053493972
32768     0.125052210
65536     0.285498438
131072    0.668142773
262144    1.500301783
524288    3.495243596


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